Friday, December 28, 2007

Mexico City continued

Top: Me at the Plaza del Angel in Mexico City
Middle: View of the city from the central park
Bottom: View of the city from our hotel room- yep, that was the 32nd floor and a pretty dang nice hotel.
So here is my funny story. I went to check out the huge park called Bosque de Chapultepec (see middle picture) that was just across the street from our hotel one day while my dad was at work. I was walking around the park checking things out and feeling pretty cool despite all the apprehension about me being a lone gringa girl in the big dangerous city. My dad had told me that the park was full of people and was a safe place, but that just in case I should probably tell people I met I was from Canada rather than the hated USA. There was spanish-built castle in the middle of the park and I was taking a picture of it when a nice looking man in a suit offered to take a picture of me in front of the castle. He didn't look shady or anything so I said sure. Then I proceeded up the road toward the castle and he happened to be going the same direction, so we started talking. He asked me where I was from and I said "Vancouver Canada", not that he seemed untrustworthy but I figured it couldn't hurt to be safe. He replied "Oh really? I actually used to live in Canada, in Quebec" (he said that in spanish of course). He told me about himself and walked around with me to see the castle. He asked what I did in Canada and I told him I was studying pharmacy, so he asked "What university". I was like "uhh...... the University of Vancouver...." He bought that so I let out a silent sigh of relief, but then he said "What part of Vancouver do you live in ? I actually am pretty familiar with the city". Ahh! I happen to not have the faintest idea where Vancouver even IS in Canada, let alone anything about the city! After umm-ing for a while I finally said "Actually I'm not from Vancouver..." and then the truth came out. What are the chances! The one guy I talk to in Mexico City is someone who knows Vancouver!! So I guess I should learn my lesson- "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!"


Dillon and Christie said...

Oh man, that is hilarious! I would've been bright red at that point. I probably couldn't have even thought as fast as you did for the answers you came up with! So funny!

The Allen Family said...

Ha Ha!! Great story! Very brave to finally tell the truth instead of just running away or something.

Tiff, Adam, Lily, Gemma and Linus said...

Oh, Britta--only you would get yourself into that situation!! Just because you pronounce the word "assault" like a Canadian does not give you free reign to pretend you are Canadian. Ha ha ha! I almost peed in my pants reading that, though.